Happy Belated B'day Mr Chan!
Posted by TTH a.k.a Kapitan | Sunday, March 28, 2010 | Wishes | 0 comments »CNY in KT
Posted by TTH a.k.a Kapitan | Thursday, February 18, 2010 | Events, Family, Festive Season, Fun, Memories | 0 comments »This year's CNY in KT was pretty different from the previous years..
Totally no PS2 throughout our 3 days stay, me and Beng used to play the PS2 for like 12 hrs a day last time lol..
Had alot of fun + new experience this year..=D
Sunday, 14/2/2010
Went to grandparents place in PJ for breakfast as usual. After everything, we started our 8 hours journey to K.Terengganu at 1pm (late? i think so too ==)
So, the journey was long, obviously but much more bearable compared to last time, maybe its because we're much older now. We arrived at around 8.00pm, which means that our journey took us 7 hours =D...
We had our dinner at 8.30pm together with the other relatives.
Later at 9.00pm, the younger people decided to play pictionary which we brought from home..
Monday, 13/2/2010
Somehow, my body just made me wake up at 6.20am. And I couldn't sleep after that even after much turning on the bed. Oh well, I decided to go down and wash up(and get prepared for breakfast? yeah think so ==).
After everything was done, I looked at the clock, and it was only 7.00am. This gave me no choice but to start doing my Chemistry Practical and PEKA, boooooring....and my stomach was crying out loud to be fed..
Then at approx 9.00am, Uncle Roger came with the laksa.
The laksa was delicious!! Thanks Uncle Roger!
After that, I got the chance to eat a turtle egg ( well, a little ).
Took like 1/10 a spoon and the taste was like....extremely strong.
Didn't really like it but it was at least an experience being able to taste a turtle egg.
In the afternoon, I was to tired I decided to go for a short nap. I intended to have a short one but it turned out a sleep instead of a nap ==..
At night, we went to Jie Theng's house for a CNY party =D
Finally, we went back at 12.30am and I had to wait for my turn to wash up as there's like 16 ppl using 1 bathroom. So while waiting, I took out my Chemistry Practical and started doing, again. Finally, I was the 2nd last person to bath and it was like 2am when it was my turn. Slept at 2.45am that day.
Tuesday. 16/2/2010
Once again, my body made me wake up at 6.45am, only had like 4 hours sleep..
And once again, I tried twisting and turning but it was still not enough for me to fall asleep.
Well, the only thing I could do was forcing myself up, wash up and continue my Chemistry Practical and PEKA. And guess what, I finished them that morning =D, I was really relieved when I actually finished it.
After that, we had our breakfast. Had Nasi Dagang and Pulut Cawan for breakfast (deliciouso..).
Then, I got to watch Slumdog Millionaire for the 1st time lol..
Good movie =D...10/10 lol..
Later in the evening, we played the tingting, or whatever you call it lol.
Uncles and Aunties are much better compared to use young people in this, seriously...
Also, we went to the beach nearby.
We brought kites, frisbee, and a small ball.
We wanted to play captain ball but it rained, so too bad ):
At night, we celebrated Uncle's Kok Soo's Birthday before having our dinner.
Later, we had to say "goodbye" to Uncle Kok Soo and family as they were going back to Penang that night.
Later, just to "deboredalise", we decided to play pictionary again.
Finally, lights out at 12.30am.
Wednesday, 17/2/2010
This time, I woke up at 8.30am, finally a good night rest. Maybe its because I've done my Chemistry =D.
Sent Uncle Tian Soo and family back early in the morning.
Had Nasi Lemak and Nasi Dagang for breakfast (deliciouso again).
Then, we went to visit Uncle Kian Soo. And afterthat Auntie Suan and Uncle Roger =D.
Me and Beng managed to play/learn how to play the electric guitar, thanks Uncle Roger =D.
The later activities were as usual / boring lol.
Slept at 12.00am.
Happy Chinese New Year and Happy Valentine ~~!!
Posted by TTH a.k.a Kapitan | Sunday, February 14, 2010 | Festive Season, Wishes | 0 comments »HEY GUYS~
2010 sure is a special year, Chinese New Year and Valentine on ONE SINGLE day...How cool's that?! (maybe not so cool, but yeah, we gotta admit its rather special)
This is my wish *and i really hope it really will come true*:
A happy New Year!
Grant that I May bring no tear to any eye
When this New Year in time shall end
Let it be said I've played the friend,
Have lived and loved and labored here,
And made of it a happy year.
Here's a short poem for you guys:
Valentine Treasures
Valentine treasures are people who
have often crossed your mind,
family, friends and others, too,
who in your life have shined
the warmth of love or a spark of light
that makes you remember them;
no matter how long since you’ve actually met,
each one is a luminous gem,
who gleams and glows in your memory,
bringing special pleasures,
and that’s why this Valentine comes to you:
You’re one of those sparkling treasures!
Once again:
Another "Finally" Post?! Yeah, guess so ==
Posted by TTH a.k.a Kapitan | Sunday, February 07, 2010 | Events, School Stuff, Wishes | 0 comments »Okay lets see, my last update was 1st of Jan 2010...( lol? that's even longer than i thought it was )
Anyway, I shall just highlight an event, the 2010 SMK Seksyen 1 Bandar Kinrara's Road Run Championship that was held yesterday.
I was one of the PBSM members helping out in the "pertolongan cemas" thing...
Yeah and frankly speaking, I had no idea what I was gonna do...and I don't even know what's "pertolongan cemas" lol...
And so, I went to school at 7.15am yesterday, met Eirfan who was trying to open the gate/door of the PBSM room. He spent quite some time there trying to open it and then decided to go see teacher. Then i saw him came down the the "now I'm really annoyed" look. And then he came said,"ITS NOT EVEN LOCKED!"....I was like LMAO!!! HAHAHAHA...
Okay, so the road run started quite late..And the PBSM members based in school (including me xD) started doing our own stuffs in the PBSM room calmly...After that, someone came in, she fell down and the other members went to treat her while i was rather lost there. Suddenly, someone came in yelling "ADA ORANG PENGSAN!!", I was like "Oh no...what am I suppose to do?!"..Then i heard Eirfan calling me out and yeah, everything went upside down, downside up...
Then a few more started to faint and yeah, it was chaos in my opinion. But we somehow managed to deal with it, actually it was they not we, I did pretty much nothing. But I think I at least learned a few stuffs and it was a pretty good experience! Thanks guys for letting me help out although I got zero-knowledge about "pertolongan cemas".
Hey peeps...
Just to wish you guys a Happy New Decade...(since its 2010) =D...
Thats all I guess lol...
Currently no resolutions yet...as usual ==

Holidays? Yeah finally....
Posted by TTH a.k.a Kapitan | Tuesday, December 08, 2009 | Events, Memories | 0 comments »Wow, it does feel a bit weird updating my blog after not updating my blog for ages...
Anyway, just to let you guys know I'm still alive and well, I shall update my blog..(lol?)
Lets see, from the day I last updated until now, quite a number of stuff that happened..
The ones I can recall are:
- EXAMS [ wtf ]
- RESULTS [ MORE wtf(s) ]
- 3 days 2 night trip to Ipoh and Taiping
- One U outing
So I shall start with the 3 days 2 nights trip to Ipoh and Taiping..
I and my family went to Ipoh and Taiping not long ago, and there's basically nothing much to do there.
All I remember doing in Ipoh was eating, Hor Fan, Salted chicken, Pomelo and so on...
The food were pretty okay, some were nice and some weren't.. Overall, the trip there was still good.
In Taiping, besides eating we also managed to visit the zoo.
We went to the night safari on the 2nd night and then decided to go for the day zoo the next morning before heading back.
What I can say is that Taiping Zoo is better than KL's Zoo Negara =x...
Last Saturday, we had an outing to One U =D...
Watched Ninja Assassin ( don't ask how we entered ), simple story but pretty violent I guess.
Overall I'll rate average for that movie..
Other stuffs we did was walking, sitting, talking and shocking( Kritz and CKS would understand whats that )...
I shall stop here...Hopefully the next update and more updates to come wouldn't be after ages again =D